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Board of Trustees' Charge

to the Governance Task Force

August 2008

The Board votes to create a Governance Task Force (GTF) to which it will appoint four church members and the minister.  

The Goals of the Task Force will be to revamp our operating system so that we will have:

  • A staff that is free to create effective programs with the support of a structure that shares authority and requires accountability.
  • A board that is free to represent the membership by articulating vision, evaluating programs, and ensuring responsible stewardship of resources.
  • A membership that is free to share its myriad talents and interests in an atmosphere of trust and creativity where structure, goals, and purposes are clear.

Tasks of the GTF must include, but are not limited to:

  1. Reflect on the goals to be achieved through a change of governance.
  2. Review the existing governance structure and other pertinent materials and consult with church staff, Board, lay leadership and members to assess the strengths and weaknesses of our current governance system.
  3. Create a detailed proposal for implementing changes in our governance structure to meet our present and future goals. The proposal should include the rationale and goals of the proposed changes, an action plan for implementing changes, a timeline for the process, and a communication plan for sharing this process with church staff, leadership and members.
  4. Create a skeleton set of Board policies to implement the proposal in close consultation first with the Board, and enlarging the circle of consultation to church leadership and members as the proposal matures.
  5. Guide church staff, leadership and members through a trial period (ideally a full year), in which the new structure is tested with as little change to current bylaws as possible.
  6. Evaluate the trial period and make adjustments to the new process as needed.
  7. Present any necessary amendments of the By- L aws to the Board for their approval and ultimate referral to the congregation.  The congregation will adopt any necessary amendments to the By- L aws at a congregational meeting called for that purpose.

Updated Feb 8, 2009 wfr

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