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Open every Sunday 

Free Church Parking

On Sundays, we reserve our parking lot immediately next to the church to accommodate the handicapped, anyone else who needs to park near the building, and visitors to our service.  We ask that all others use the Mutual of Omaha Parking Garage, The Tamarack Building Parking Lot, or the significant amount of on-street parking on Harney Street.

Mutual of Omaha's Parking Garage - 33rd & HarneyMutual Parking Garage

Mutual's newly expanded parking garage begins at 33rd and Harney Streets and extends east to the edge or our church parking lot. Mutual has kindly made the parking garage available free of charge for our use on Sundays and other special church events

Ÿ Please enter the parking garage from either the Harney or Farnam Street entrances, taking a ticket to raise the gates.

Ÿ To leave, use the Farnam Street exit.  This exit has an attendant and machinery to take your ticket to let you out.  The parking garage is open 24 hours.  If no attendant, there is a machine that takes tickets and, if payment is needed, takes everything except checks.

Ÿ For ALL garage users, the first 3 hours are FREE.  If you are at church less than 3 hours, just exit and there will be no charge.  The cost after 3 hours is $1/hour.

Ÿ Park free for longer than 3 hours, as needed, on Sundays and for church events by having your parking-garage ticket run through a special machine we now have at church.  Location of the machine will be announced at our events until it settles in a permanent spot.  Probably it will be in the Common Room or near the side door.

Ÿ On Sundays and special church events, the lowest tier [ground level] of parking is reserved for the church. There are 85 spaces in that tier.  A sign noting this area is reserved for First UU will be ready next week and posted in the parking garage.  If space is available, at present there is no problem parking anywhere in the garage that you wish.  Stricter use of only lower-tier parking may be needed as Mid-town Crossing becomes busier.

Ÿ Use of the garage for special church events must be arranged through the church office at least a week in advance. 

Our thanks to Mutual of Omaha and Midtown Crossing for access to this garage parking without charge.

Tamarak Building Lot - 31st & HarneyTamarack Parking Lot

Thanks to National Indemnity Company, our neighbor to the east, we may also park free of charge in the Tamarak Building's south parking lot on Sundays. The Tamarack building is diagonally across from our church on the southeast corner of 31st and Harney Streets. The south lot is identified by a sign identifying it as a National Indemnity parking lot.

Updated Dec 11, 2009  gae

Unitarian Universalist Association

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