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Open every Sunday 


January 20 - February 24, 2011


5:00 - 6:00 pm: The Sanctuary will be open for those wishing to sit in silence before dinner

6:00 - 6:40 pm: Community Dinner – all ages together ( $9 per person for ages 10 and over, $3 each for children under age 10. The maximum charge for a family is $20!)

7:00 – 8:30:  Choice of Classes (see below)

A.) UU and You January 20 ONLY
Come to dinner and then join Rev. Kate Rohde and Jaime Alexander to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and our church. This is especially for those new to Unitarian Universalism. This class meets one night only.

B.) Standing on the Side of LOVE Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17 & 24 facilitated by Kim Dunovan, Shawna Foster & Rev. Kate Rohde
Standing on the Side of Love is a campaign initiated by the UUA to harness love’s power to challenge exclusion, oppression and violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, race, religion, or any other identity. Could this campaign help our congregation make a difference for people in Omaha who suffer because of their status or identity? Should First Unitarian Church take a public stand in our community against hate and discrimination? Learn more about the campaign and discuss how First Unitarian Church might bring this campaign to Omaha.

C.) The Charter for Compassion: a multi-media exploration Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17 & 24 facilitated by Cheryll Wallace, Director of Religious Education
On February 28, 2008, theologian Karen Armstrong won the TED Prize and made a wish: for help in creating, launching and propagating a Charter for Compassion. Since that day, thousands of people have contributed to the process so that on November 12, 2009 the Charter was unveiled to the world. The second UU Principle encourages UUs to promote justice, equity and compassion in human relations. What is compassion and how can we cultivate it in our lives? We will explore this topic using a variety of media including video lecture, poetry, music, film, personal stories and discussion.

D.) What’s in the UU World Discussion Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17 & 24 facilitated by Bill Ross
Each week this group will discuss articles from recent issues of the UU World magazine, from either the print version or the online version. The articles for discussion on January 20 will be sent to you before class begins. Articles for the remaining classes will be distributed each week for the next week’s class.

E.) Tolerant Atheists Discussion Group comes to Soul Full Thursdays one night only February 24 facilitated by Jaime Alexander
Is an atheist in church a contradiction? What is an atheist? Can an atheist be spiritual? Can an atheist grow in church? Can a church grow with atheists? Does any of this arouse your interest? Come to the second meeting of the Tolerant Atheist Discussion Group for “answers” to these questions and more. For more fun come at 6:00 and have dinner. This class meets one night only. Please make dinner reservations separately.

F.) Supervised Nursery play for children through Kindergarten age PLUS Activities for kids in First thru Sixth Grades.


To enroll for Soul-Full Thursday classes and/or dinner, just enter your information below and "submit" it. Please be sure to complete all 4 steps. Or, you can print a registration form in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format to complete and mail to the church office.

(Note: using the enter or return key submits this form (often before you are finished) so use your tab key or mouse to move around the page. If you accidently submit the form early, you will get an error message because the final check box below is not checked and you need only click the back button or back arrow to return to this page to finish completing your information.)

Step 1. Contact Information

Contact Name:   
Mailing Address:
Email Address:   
Phone Number:   

Step 2. Class Enrollment

7:00 – 8:30 - A.) UU and You (January 20 only)
Participant 1:  Participant 2:

7:00 – 8:30 - B.) Standing on the Side of Love
Participant 1:  Participant 2:

7:00 – 8:30 - C.) The Charter for Compassion: a multi-media exploration
Participant 1:  Participant 2:

7:00 – 8:30 - D.) What's in the UU World Discussion
Participant 1:  Participant 2:

7:00 – 8:30 - E.) Tolerant Atheists Discussion Group (February 24 only)
Participant 1:  Participant 2:

7:00 – 8:30 - F.) Supervised Nursery (For birth - 6th grade - Please enter both name and age)
Participant 1:  Participant 2:
Participant 3:  Participant 4:

Step 3. Meal Orders

Please indicate the number of meat and vegetarian meals that you will need for each date below:

Age & Meal Choice Age 10
& older
Age 10
& older

Age 9 & younger

Age 9 & younger


Veg. Meat Veg.

Jan 20

Jan 27
Feb 3
Feb 10
Feb 17
Feb 24

You may pay for your meals each Thursday night or in advance by sending a check for the appropriate amount to the church. The cost for individuals age 10 and older is $9.00 per meal, age 9 and younger is $3.00 per meal. The family maximum is $20. Please make checks payable to First Unitarian Church.

Step 4. Submit Your Registration

Check here when your registration is complete and then click ==>     You will receive a confirmation email.


Updated Dec 2, 2010 wfr

Unitarian Universalist Association

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