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The Flame The Newsletter of First Unitarian Church of Omaha
The Flame is published monthly by, for, and about members and friends of First Unitarian Church of Omaha. It is delivered by US Postal Service at the end of each month. Copies are also available at the church.
If you have an item you would like published in The Flame, use this form to send us the details or send an email to
Please limit submissions to 200 words. Articles may be edited for length or clarity. The deadline is noon on the 15th of the month prior to publication.
The Flame is written, edited, and proofread by church volunteers. Others contribute artwork or photography. The Flame mailing team labels and sorts each issue prior to mailing. You're invited to become a member of The Flame team. For more information, contact
Updated Dec 28, 2008 gae
First Unitarian Church of Omaha • 3114 Harney Street • Omaha, NE 68131 phone 402-345-3039 • fax 402-346-2662 |