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Our Minister - The Reverend Dr. Kate RohdeRev. Kate Rohde

Rev. Rohde grew up in a UU family in the northwest, and took an early interest in politics and theater. She has a degree in psychology from Reed College , an MA in religion from the University of Chicago , and a DMin from the Meadville/Lombard Theological School. She has traveled extensively in Mexico and Central America , working with a group to promote social justice. Hispanic culture and the history of the civil rights movement are among her personal interests, as are theater, film, travel, swimming, board games, and reading novels. Rev. Rohde's husband, David Cohen, is a librarian, semi-retired.

Rev. Kate's accomplishments in 25 years of ministry include impressive examples of building congregational presence in the community and developing welcoming, growth oriented church cultures of theological tolerance. She came to us from an interim ministery in Sacramento . She enjoys "working with people who are committed to their congregation and serious about UUism --- but who have a good sense of humor about life in general.”

Please take a few minutes to sample some of Rev. Kate's sermons.

Ministers who have recently served First Unitarian Church of Omaha

2006-2007 - Nancy Roemheld, Interim Minister

Rev-Nancy-Roemheld-4-web.jpgBefore ordination, Rev. Nancy was an active lay leader, serving on committees, being Chair of the local Board, and working on the District Board, (Central Mid West). She is a graduate of the Meadville/Lombard Theological School and was ordained in 1986 in Brookfield , WI .  Rev. Nancy began her ministerial career by serving as settled minister in Athens , GA for eight years. In the succeeding years, she has served as an Accredited Interim Minister in congregations all around the United States and in Canada. She came to us after completing an Interim Ministry in Los Gatos, CA.

1998-2005 - Richard Benner

Rev. Richard BennerDick Benner served our congregation for more than seven years until his retirement from the ministry in December 2005.  He was born, raised, and educated in the state of Maine.  He holds Masters Degrees in both education and divinity and graduated with distinction from Bangor Theological Seminary, where he was a John Haynes Holmes Fellow.  In addition to his tenure in Omaha, Reverend Benner served three Unitarian Universalist churches in Florida and in metropolitan New York.  During a sabbatical leave in 1986, he studied at the C.G.Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland working with Fr. Aniela Jaffe, one of Dr. Jung's closest colleagues.

1976-1996 - Ronald Knapp, Minister Emeritus

Rev. Ronald KnappRon Knapp was one of our longest serving ministers.  He guided our congregation for over twenty years and was named our Minister Emeritus upon his retirement in 1996.  Periodically, Ron returns to our pulpit and he also speaks regularly to other churches as well.  

Ron joined the Methodist ministry at age nineteen and served various Methodist churches over the following decade until he became a Unitarian Universalist in 1964. He served UU churches in Illinois, Vermont, and New Hampshire before being called to our pulpit in 1976. Ron received his graduate theological degree from Drew University and a MA in Liberal Studies from Dartmouth.


Updated Aug 29, 2008 wfr

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