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Nominations for 2011 Elections & UU of the YearUnitarian of the Year AwardThe Unitarian of the Year award is selected by the Nominating Committee and is given to a member of our Congregation for significant contributions to the community of First Unitarian Church of Omaha. The Unitarian of the Year award will be presented at our Annual Congregational Membership Meeting in May. Because this is a once in a lifetime honor, Previous Recipients are not eligible to repeat. To suggest individuals for this award, just email, complete the web form below, or contact any member of the Nominating Committee. Elected PositionsThe Nominating Committee is looking for members who want to share their leadership skills with the Congregation by serving in elected positions. Your gift of time and talent will be a valuable contribution to the future of your Church and Congregation. In return, you will experience, in a very personal way, the meaning of the Church and its important place in the life of the members and the community at large. You will forge new relationships and develop as a leader. We are seeking input for elected positions for the Church year that will begin in May 2011 . The Nominating Committee's task under the Church by-laws is to present a slate of candidates for all elected positions in the Church. The election will be held at our Annual Congregational Meeting in May.You will find all of our governing documents along with information about our Congregational meetings and a list of the current incumbents on our Board of Trustees page. In addition, our Church is currently engaging in a year long "trial run" of a proposed new policy-based governance structure. At our upcoming Annual Meeting in May, the Board plans to strongly recommend that the congregation permanently adopt ths new governance structure. The job descriptions provided for the elected positions to be filled reflect this new governance model. The position of President-elect / President will remain as a 2-year term, and the Board of Trustees will be comprised of the President, President-elect, and 6 elected members who serve 3-year terms. Under this model, the Board and Ministry Team work in partnership. The Board's primary focus is now on the long-term vision, mission and well being of our Congregation, whereas most of daily operations have shifted to the Ministry Team. Please consider these changes when nominating candidates. Volunteer or SuggestYou can help our Nominating Committee by volunteering to serve or by suggesting individuals that you believe would make good candidates for our elected positions. Membership in First Unitarian Church of Omaha with a history of supporting the Church both financially and as a volunteer is required for any position. To volunteer for any of the positions below or to suggest qualified candidates, just complete the web form below, email, or contact any member of the Nominations Committee. To be Elected at Our Annual Meeting in MayPresident-Elect / President - 1 member is elected to serve a 2 year term as President-Elect / President. This is a respected position in our congregation. Although it requires considerable commitment of time and energy, the rewards are incalculable. Members appreciate your leadership, you will learn many new skills, and your appreciation of our church and congregation will deepen. You will also have the opportunity to formally represent the congregation at General Assembly and Prairie Star District events. During the first year of this 2-year term, the president-elect serves on the Board of Trustees, the Board Executive Committee, and prepares to serve as the president in his/her second year. The time commitment is more than the 10-14 hours a month expected of a Board member, but variable depending on issues before the congregation. The presidential position compliments and works in cooperation with the minister. Aside from the necessary communication and managerial skills, the president needs the broad perspective to lead the Board as it focuses on the long-term vision and mission of our Congregation. The Board of Trustees - 2 members will be elected to serve 3 years terms as a Board Member. Our Board of Trustees and our Ministry Team work in partnership to serve the mission of the Church. Board members will be focusing primarily on the long-term vision, mission, and well being of our Congregation, not on administrative detail. This change in Board focus is a key element of the new governance structure. The day-to-day management of the Church will be the responsibility of the Ministry Team. The Board provides the Ministry Team with the goals that it needs to guide its work and also monitors and evaluates its performance. Board members should honor and respect confidentiality, work cooperatively, put the interests of the church’s mission ahead of personal interests or the interests of any constituency, and be willing and able to regularly engage in formal and informal conversations with Congregation members and participate in church activities. A normal month will require approximately 10–14 hours of active work to prepare for and attend regular monthly board meetings (currently held on the second Tuesday at 7 p.m.). Additionally, Board members have required training for the position (normally ½ weekend day early in each church year) and attend the Board’s annual planning retreat (normally 1 ½ weekend days). From time to time Board members also serve on ad hoc Board Committees exploring special topics. Trustees of the Capital Trust - 1 member will be elected to serve a 3-year term as a Trustee. The Capital Trust was established to hold and invest certain funds of the Church. You will monitor investments and make investment decisions within the guidelines established by the trust. The Trustees provide reports to the Board of Trustees and the Congregation. The Nominating Committee - 2 members will be elected to serve 3-year terms on the committee. If you wish to share any more recommendations, just complete another copy of this web form.
Updated Febr 24, 2011 wfr
First Unitarian Church of Omaha • 3114 Harney Street • Omaha, NE 68131 phone 402-345-3039 fax 402-346-2662 |