First Unitarian Church of Omaha


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There are many opportunities to serve on one or several committees at First Unitarian Church of Omaha.  Committee volunteers make it possible to maintain a healthy and vibrant church family.  Working together in areas of mutual interest, members experience a genuine sense of community and contribute to the democratic process within our congregation.  If you are interested in becoming involved in our church community, you are welcome and encouraged to contact any of our Committee Chairpersons.

House and Grounds

The House and Grounds Committee preserves and cares for our beautiful building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and its grounds, members provide a setting that enhances all the activities of the church .  "Event Coordinators help to ensure safe and protective enjoyment of the church facilities by outside parties. The House and Grounds Committee Chair also serves on the Board of Trustees.


The Finance Committee has a major responsibility conducting a pledge campaign each spring.  They also help supervise church finances and help develop the budget to be approved at the Annual Membership Meeting each May.  The Finance Committee Chair also serves on the Board of Trustees.

Religious Education Council

The Religious Education Council oversees our lively Religious Education offerings including Adult, Sunday School and youth activities. The Committee Chair is an appointed member of the Board of Trustees.

Adult Religious Education

The Adult Religious Education Committee provides programs (such as workshops, lectures, and concerts) of an intellectual, aesthetic, psychological, and educational nature.  A list of current programs is posted on the Adult RE page.

Youth-Adult Committee (YAC)

The Youth-Adult Committee provides leadership for Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUUs) of First and Second Unitarian Churches of Omaha.


The Archives Committee maintains historical records pertaining to our building and our congregation and keeps scrapbooks of members who appear in the news.  

Caring Committee

The Caring Committee maintains contact with and expresses concerns for ill, homebound, and bereaved members of the church.  

Chalice Guild

The Chalice Guild helps dispose of recyclables, keeps kitchen utensils in order, and maintains our chalice, candles, linens and other chancel accessories.

Committee on Ministry

The Committee on Ministry facilitates the communication between the minister and the congregation and supports the ministry.

Denominational Affairs

The Denominational Affairs Committee keeps the congregation informed on denominational issues. 

Fellowship & Activities Committee

The Fellowship and Activities Committee arranges a wide variety of fellowship events at the church, including coffee hour, circle suppers, the Chili Cook-Off, and the Holiday Dinner.

Green Sanctuary

The Green Sanctuary initiative grew out of our Social Justice efforts.  More information.

Holland Lecture Series Committee

The HLS Committee works to engage speakers, schedule venues, and publicise two lectures per year. More information.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee helps arrange for orientation sessions and helps guide new members into channels of church activity where their talents can flourish and grow.  They also supervise the membership book, the name tags, and the regular recognition of new and longtime members.

Music Committee

The Music Committee arranges for guest musicians, maintains the hymnals, recruits talent for the choir and assists the Choir Director. 

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is chaired by the immediate Past-President of the Board of Trustees and consists of six members, two of whom are elected to a three-year term by the congregation at its Annual Meeting.  The committee selects candidates for election to President-Elect and/or President of the Board of Trustees if there is a vacancy in either position.  The committee also slates candidates for other positions on the Board of Trustees, candidates for the Nominating Committee, and candidates for Trustees of the Capital Trust.  Refer to Section V of the church By-Laws for more details.

Office Committee

The Office Committee helps with office tasks from envelope stuffing and word processing, to computer and procedural consultations, assessing office needs and budgeting office funds..

Omaha Unitarian Universalists for Tolerance (OUUT)

Omaha Unitarian Universalists for Tollerance is our church’s chapter of Interweave, an affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Association, and is dedicated to the spiritual, political, and social well-being of those confronting oppression as lesbians, gay men, bisexual persons, transgender persons, and their heterosexual allies.  More information.

Partner Church Council

The Partner Church Council helps support our Partner Church in Firtosmartonos, Romania and helps the congregation learn about our rich Unitarian heritage in Eastern Europe.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee assists the Board, staff and committees that have staffing responsibilities with hiring, compensation, job descriptions and personnel review procedures and guidelines.

Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee handles publicity for the church.  Among other activities, the committee sponsors a program of Bundled Donations to KIOS each October.  

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee oversees creation, publication, and design/content consistency of Church printed materials and the Web site. The Committee also writes and maintains several process documents including how to submit items to the newsletter, the writers’ guidelines, newsletter guidelines, and others as needed.

Religious Services Committee

The Religious Services Committee provides many avenues for lay people to be involved in the church services, including serving as ushers, chalice lighters, church criers, readers, and chancel decorators.  They also arrange for occasional lay-led services and for an exciting array of summer services when the minister is on vacation.

Social Justice Committee

The Social Justice Committee formerly the Omaha Outreach Committee develops service projects and informs and educates First UU members and the public in the areas of social justice and social services.  More information.

Women's Alliance

The Women's Alliance welcomes all women in the church to a monthly dinner meeting and program. It provides a social time as well as service to the church and the community.

Updated Jan 11, 2010

Unitarian Universalist Association

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