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First Unitarian Weekly News
    May 19, 2011



• Our Annual Choir Service is this Sunday—Remember: Sunday Service is at 10:30 A.M. starting this week.


• Our Annual Meeting is Sunday, May 22 at Noon. A light lunch and childcare will be provided. (See this Sunday’s Section for more information)


• Mark your calendar for the YRUU Rummage Sale, May 26-28. (See the Next Week Section for times)




• 2011 Merritt Scholarship Applications Due THIS SUNDAY.

Any local Unitarian who is continuing his/her education beyond high school is eligible to be considered by the Scholarship Committee of the Women’s Alliance for this year’s Merritt Scholarship.  Forms are available at First or Second Unitarian Church or a request for a form may be made to Applications must be in the office of First Unitarian by Sunday, May 22, 2011. 


• The Annual Meeting will be Sunday, May 22 at Noon in the Common Room

To be Eligible to Vote at the Annual Meeting:

To be eligible to vote our Articles of Incorporation require that you have been a member of the church for 3 months immediately prior to the Annual Meeting (must have signed the book by Feb. 22, 2011) and have a contribution of record during a period of one year closing 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting (by April 22, 2011).




• Church Member Needs a Ride. Could you give Ted Price a ride to church on Sundays? He lives near 90th and Dodge. If so, please contact the church office today at 402-345-3039 ext.101.


• Coffee Hour Host Coordinator for the 10:30 summer service needed. We go to one service on May 22. Please contact Cheryll Wallace at the church if you would be willing to take on this short term commitment.


• 10:30 Coffee Hour hosts needed for June 12, 19, 26 and July 3, 10, 31, and all of August.

Coffee Hour hosts are needed for the 10:30 service during the summer months. Please contact Cheryll Wallace at the church at to volunteer or if you have questions. Coffee hour hosts are asked to make coffee, heat tea water and put a pitcher of cold water out for the coffee hour after each service. You may also bring snacks to serve if you wish.


• The May Share-the-Plate Recipient is The Church of the Larger Fellowship’s Prison Ministry. More than two million people are incarcerated across the US. Most prisoners have never heard of UU. This ministry reaches out to those who need to find a religious community that will respect their beliefs and encourage their growth while in prison or jail. For information, check out




• Circle Suppers — Offsite

Circle Suppers are organized potluck dinners scheduled on one specific day of the month. The participants who sign up are called and assigned in groups of 6-10 to volunteer-host homes for a smaller, more intimate potluck dinner. The next month, the circle supper process repeats itself with different people hosting different groups. You do not have to host to be a participant. For more information contact Caroline True.

Please be sure to include both your name and your partner’s name when you sign up. The next Circle Supper is June 18.




• Sunday Service — One Service Sundays Begin — 10:30 A.M.

Annual Choir Service

Madrigals to contemporary show tunes will be sung. Music: Pat Allender will accompany Choir Director Bob McMeen and Pat Will will play the organ.


• The Annual Meeting — Noon — Common Room

A light lunch, cake and childcare will be provided.


• To be Eligible to Vote at the Annual Meeting:

To be eligible to vote our Articles of Incorporation require that you have been a member of the church for 3 months immediately prior to the Annual Meeting (must have signed the book by Feb. 22, 2011) and have a contribution of record during a period of one year closing 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting (by April 22, 2011).


• Candidates for May 22 Election at Annual Meeting: Nominating Committee submits the following slate of candidates for election on May 22nd:  President-Elect: Kate Godfrey; Board of Trustees (2 positions):  John Wagner and Maria Wilson; Trustee of the Trust Fund: Kenneth Deffenbacher; Nominating Committee (2 positions): Kerry Case and Tony Host.  All candidates have agreed to their nomination. 

• Deadline for the 2011 Merritt Scholarship

Any local Unitarian who is continuing his/her education beyond high school is eligible to be considered by the Scholarship Committee of the Women’s Alliance for this year’s Merritt Scholarship.  Forms are available at First or Second Unitarian Church or a request for a form may be made to  Applications must be in the office of First Unitarian by Sunday, May 22, 2011. 


• Creative Art Night — 7 P.M. — Whitney Young Room

We will have a video about poetry followed by a quiet time to feed your creative passion - writing, painting, quilting, drawing. Contact Douglas McIntosh.




• May 23 — Book Club Meeting — 7 P.M. — Merritt Lounge

We will meet to discuss The Evolution of God by Robert Wright. As the title suggests, the noted social anthropologist covers the development of the concept of God from hunter-gatherer societies through the rise of the Abrahamic religions.  See the Book Club Section about next month’s selection.


• May 23 — Free Educational Section on Women’s Health — 7 P.M. — Common Room

Women of the First UU congregation are warmly invited to participate in 3 free educational sessions being held as part of a weight loss research study.  The sessions will take place in the common room on May 23, June 6 and June 20.  Topics covered will include relaxation a part of a way to lose weight, learning why you make the food choices you do, and much more.  The sessions are free, and a free pedometer is offered to all who attend the first session.  Pre-registration is mandatory.  Contact Kim Herndon for more information and to register. 


• May 26 — Women’s Religious Studies Group — 1 P.M. — Merritt Lounge


• May 26-28 YRUU Rummage Sale at First Unitarian Church 

Drop Off Times: Monday, May 23 & Tuesday, May 24 from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. & Wednesday, May 25 from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.

Shopping Times: Thursday & Friday, May 26 & 27 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. & Saturday, May 28 from 9 A.M. to Noon

Please call Cheryll Wallace at 402-345-3039 to schedule a donation pick-up if you are elderly or physically unable to deliver items yourself.

The youth are raising money for their trip to Heifer International’s Overlook Ranch in Rutland, Massachusetts in June plus a visit to Boston & Salem.  Thank you in advance for your generous donations.


• May 27 — Private Wedding Rehearsal — 5 P.M. — Sanctuary


• May 28 — Private Wedding — 6 P.M. — Sanctuary




• May 29 — Sunday Service — 10:30 A.M.


Rev. Kate Rohde

Originally begun to remember those who died in the Civil War, it now is a time to remember all those we love who are gone. What is the place of memory in human lives? This Sunday some reflections on remembering. Music: Pat Will, organ.


• May 30 — Church Office Closed — Memorial Day Holiday


• June 3 — Private Wedding Rehearsal — 6:30 P.M. — Sanctuary


• June 3-4 — 4th through 6th Grade Sleepover — Common Room


• June 4 — Private Wedding — 3 P.M. — Sanctuary


• June 5 — Flower Service Sunday — 10:30 A.M.


• June 5 — Cheryll’s Farewell Lunch — 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Informal, family-friendly potluck-style lunch!

Bring food to share IF you wish--main dishes, sides and salads are welcomed! However, please come regardless—there will be plenty of food! Punch and beverages, cake and ice cream provided. Bring your fond farewells, thanks and best wishes for Cheryll!


• June 5 — Witches’ Tea — 7 P.M. — Merritt Lounge


• June 6 — Free Educational Section on Women’s Health — 7 P.M. — Common Room

Women of the First UU congregation are warmly invited to participate in 3 free educational sessions being held as part of a weight loss research study.  The sessions will take place in the common room on May 23, June 6 and June 20.  Topics covered will include relaxation a part of a way to lose weight, learning why you make the food choices you do, and much more.  The sessions are free, and a free pedometer is offered to all who attend the first session.  Pre-registration is mandatory.  Contact Kim Herndon for more information and to register. 


• June 7 — Board Meeting — 7 P.M. — Common Room


• June 9 — Tolerant Atheist Discussion Group – 7 P.M. – Common Room

Ron Knapp will talk on "The Evolution of an Atheist." Q&A and conversation will follow.  Doors open at 6:00 P.M. for a “Bring your own brown bag or take out dinner.”  Direct questions and RSVP’s to Jaime Alexander. 




On display in the gallery is an exhibit on the development of the new church logo. See the progression from the image that you voted on in the December Flame to the new logo that will be used on letterhead, brochures, banners, the website and other church materials. The image incorporates community along with the idea of many journeys, one congregation. Come to the Annual Meeting to see this new logo for our church!


• The June Book Club Selection

We have a winner for our June book selection - The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larson. This breathtaking new history is a novelistic yet wholly factual account of the fair and the mass murderer who lurked within it. It’s 447 pages and is available in paperback from Amazon for $8.95. Contact Dave Richardson to get on the Book Club’s email list.


Please visit the Social Justice/Green Sanctuary web page. Don't miss the GREEN TIPS OF THE WEEK! Submit your own Green Tip to Ken Deffenbacher or Glenn Pollock.


Office Hours
-Fridays:  9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

For information on parking, please visit our Parking Information page.

For information on our various publications deadlines, please visit our General Information page.

Updated May 21, 2011 gae

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