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Open every Sunday 

Please join us at any of these upcoming services.

Visitors are always welcome!

Sanctuary on Sunday

Sunday Worship Services

From May 22 to August we offer one service at 10:30 a.m.

First Unitarian Church of Omaha is located at 3114 Harney Street.  Except during our summer schedule, Sunday Services begin at 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Sunday Services are followed by our traditional coffee hour in the church social hall known as the Common Room. Children grades K-6 begin in the sanctuary and then attend Sunday School following "The Story for All Ages" which occurs early in the service. Child care is provided in the nursery for infants and pre-school children.  Dress comfortably. Free parking is available in the lot west of the Church.

May 1 - WWJC? Or UU? - Rev. Kate Rohde

Jim Wallis, an evangelical Christian, and many in the Sojourners Community fasted over Lent in response to the government’s threat to cut back on help to the poor. They wore bracelets asking: What Would Jesus Cut? What do we believe about our obligations to one another, to our children, to the world around us? What is the covenant, if any, to being a part of one nation?

Music: 9:30: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15: First Unitarian Choir under Director Bob McMeen, Pat Allender, accompanist and Pat Will, organ.

May 8 - The Good Mother - Rev. Kate Rohde

Because of the age of our congregation, the majority of our mothers are no longer living. With the distance of time, we know the legacy they left us whether they were Earth mothers or Tiger mothers. This Sunday we’ll share some reflections on mothering.

Music: 9:30: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15: Pat Will, organ.

May 15 - Mother’s Day - A Poet’s View One Week Later - Sarah McKinstry-Brown

Sarah McKinstry-Brown is the winner of the Academy of American Poets Prize, and has studied poetry at the University of New Mexico and the University of Sheffield, England. She earned her MFA from the University of Nebraska, and her first full-length collection of poetry, Cradling Monsoons, is out from Blue Light Press. When’s not teaching or performing, she’s in Omaha with her husband, the poet Matt Mason, and their two feisty daughters.

Music: 9:30: Donovan Johnson and the Early Morning Risers; 11:15: First Unitarian Choir under Director Bob McMeen, Pat Allender, accompanist and Pat Will, organ.

May 22 - Annual Choir Service - 10:30 a.m.

Madrigals to contemporary show tunes will be sung.

Music: Pat Allender will accompany Choir Director Bob McMeen

May 29 - Memories - 10:30 a.m. - Rev. Kate Rohde

Originally begun to remember those who died in the Civil War, it now is a time to remember all those we love who are gone. What is the place of memory in human lives? This Sunday some reflections on remembering.

Music: Pat Will, organ.

Sunday Sharing to Help Others

Share the Plate: Each month, we set aside one-half of the undesignated cash contributions in our Sunday offering plate to support a worthy cause. This month's share the plate recipient is The Church of the Larger Fellowship’s Prison Ministry. More than two million people are incarcerated across the US. Most prisoners have never heard of UU. This ministry reaches out to those who need to find a religious community that will respect their beliefs and encourage their growth while in prison or jail.

Change for Change: The coins that our members and friends contribute to the Sunday offering plate and at other times will be used to help defray the cost of our youth trip to Heifer International's Overlook Ranch in Rutland, Massachusetts in June.

Updated May 1, 2011 wfr

Unitarian Universalist Association

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