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OUUT Omaha Unitarian Universalists for Tolerance OUUT was formed in 2001 originally as an Interweave (UUA GLBT affiliated group) Group, but now is an independent group affiliated with the First Unitarian Church of Omaha (and our friends at Second Unitarian Church of Omaha). We are dedicated to the spiritual, political, and social well-being of individuals who are confronting oppression as lesbians, gay men, bisexual persons, transgendered persons, and their heterosexual allies. We celebrate the culture and lives of our members. For additional information about OUUT, including the regular Second Sunday Movie Night, please visit OUUT also offers a blog. You can read or subscribe to the OUUT blog at |
First Unitarian Church of Omaha • 3114 Harney Street • Omaha, NE 68131 phone 402-345-3039 fax 402-346-2662 |