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SARAH JOSLYN SOCIETY The Sarah Joslyn Society of our Church exists to encourage, enable and thank those who wish to leave a bequest to the First Unitarian Church, or otherwise participate in The Planned Giving Program. Incorporated in 2004 the society has already recognized fifty-five people who have named the Church in their estate planning. Feeling that this is an intensely personal decision, appeals are limited to oral and written pleas such as this, (and to the occasional T-shirt). You will not be approached individually. Rather, if you wish more information about the details of Planned Giving, contact any member of the Finance Committee. If you have made your decision and have firmed it up by incorporating your wishes into your will, all you have to do is let the Finance Committee know. No written statement is necessary. You will then be invited to the next celebratory event and will become a life-time member of the Sarah Joslyn Society, receiving a commemorative slate made from the original roof of the Church. It’s a very simple and effective way to help ensure the financial security of the Church. Future generations will thank you. Updated Aug 21, 2006 dar |
First Unitarian Church of Omaha • 3114 Harney Street • Omaha, NE 68131 phone 402-345-3039 fax 402-346-2662 |